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method of average中文是什么意思

用"method of average"造句"method of average"怎么读"method of average" in a sentence


  • 平均法
  • 平均数法


  • Discussion of calculating method of average hospitalization days
  • Love of method of average and statistics inferring
  • Study on determination methods of average cost per student about colleges and universities
  • As proved by experiments , combined the method of averaged in the plane and dynamic image capture , the depth resolution can be double improved
  • It will be simplified and compensate the fund among library effectively to adopt the method of average working time to confirm the cost of each question
  • The other is that we calculate the cost of equity financing using the method of average capital cost , which was put forward by modigliani and mille in 1966 . our study shows that listed companies " financing behavior is n ' t consistent with the pecking order theory
    其次,从比较股权融资成本和债权融资成本孰低的角度,根据modigliani和mille ( 1966 )的“平均成本法”对同一样本进行实证分析,计算出相应的股权融资成本。
  • According to the contemporary moral education theories , policies , rules and the reality of present schools , and in the iight of method of average experts " op i n i ons , the evaluation weight coefficient and standard of moral educat i on we have established i n contemporary secondary school are shown from page 13 to page 16 in the main body
    指标化之后所构成的评价指标体系如正文第11页所示。依据当代德育理念、德育政策法规和当前学校德育的实际,依据专家意见平均法,我们确立的当代中学德育工作评价权系数及评价标准如正文第13 ? 16页所示。
  • Some valuable conclusions are summarized by theoretical analysis and simulation experiments : from the side of signal processing , pulse jamming can be deleted by the method of time - domain sliding window accumulation and can be restored by interpolative prediction . ; gauss white nose can be attenuated while jamming disperse point - target by the method of time - frequency analysis in time - frequency domain . ; radio frequency noise jamming can be deleted by the method of average range frequency spectrum and notching in frequency domain
  • Based on those above all , i analyse in detail the tickets of the scenic spots , the prices of the hotels , the travel services and the tourism buses in zhangjiajie city " s tourism market by using the methods of average , ratio and real number ; and respectively compare them with their comparative objects
  • From the second to the fifth chapter such problems concerning state - owned property right are illustrated respectively as its definition , valuation and price fixing and capital sources of undertaking party and the disposal and use of transfer income . problems are raised with regard to the process of current property right system diversity in state - owned enterprises , such as the disagreement to the definition of state - owned property right , no standard of evaluation , imperfection of price fixing system and relative confusion of transfer income disposal and use . what ' s more , new solutions are offered : the probe into state - owned property right definition " changsha model " is confirmed positively ; two specific ways of quantification - - " the method of average growth rate of state - owned property right " and " the method of average cost of labor in market " ; the concept " present value of earnings " is applied to the property evaluation of receivable accounts , finished goods , invisible assets and so on ; the unjust in price fixing of state - owned property right can be avoided by improving property valuation methods , perfecting capital market especially property right trading market and bettering information publishing system ; as to the guarantee problem of human resources financial contribution , an original key is offered
    第一章运用产权理论对国企产权多元化改革进行经济学分析;第二章至第五章主要围绕国有产权的界定问题、评估问题、定价问题、承接方的资金来源问题、转让收入的处置运用问题分别进行阐述,指出了当前国企产权多元化过程中存在着国有产权界定不统一、评估不规范、定价机制不完善、处置运用相对混乱等诸多问题,并提出新的解决思路:肯定国有产权界定“长沙模式”的积极探索意义,提出量化职工创造剩余价值的“国有资产平均增长率法”和“平均市场劳动成本法” ;将“收益现值”概念运用到对应收账款、产成品、无形资产等资产评估之中;应从完善资产评估方法、完善资本市场特别是产权交易市场和健全信息公开机制三个方面来解决国有产权定价不公问题;就人力资本出资的担保问题提出实际债务承担额(比例)应小于名义出资额(比例)的新思路,并认为人力资本市场上的交易价格应包括绝对出资额和相对出资额两部分。
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